Through this site the Parish Council will publish information regarding its current and future activities to those it serves and to actively seek the participation of its parishioners. We have also provided space for general information and the promotion of Garsdale and Grisedale. Visitors are welcome to leave comments and make suggestions on the Have Your Say section. We encourage you to explore all the various menu sections.


Garsdale PC Accounts 20 to 21

Garsdale PC Analysis 20 to 21Scan_20210526Scan_20210526 (3)Scan_20210526 (2)

Minutes 21st Nov 2019 Garsdale PC

Garsdale PC Agenda 16th Jan 2020

Minutes 19th Sept 2019 Garsdale PC

Garsdale PC Agenda 19th Sept 2019

Minutes 18th July 2019 Garsdale PC (1)
Next Parish Council Meeting – see meeting dates

Garsdale Parish Council now has a full complement of members, for the first time in many years. It is great to see more residents taking an active interest and volunteering to support our community.
Even though we currently have no vacant positions, we are always happy to hear from  residents in the dale who may be interested in getting involved with the parish council, so feel free to contact any  member of the council  or just come along to the next meeting. 

If you are not registered you can’t vote

A Pennine Journey – from Settle to Hadrian’s Wall